Mr Chávez was inveighing against comments on Venezuela's
attitude to democracy made by Mr Blair in the chamber. The prime
minister's observation that Venezuela should abide by the rules
of the international community if it wanted to be respected by it
showed that he believed "we're still in times of imperialism and
colonialism", Mr Chávez said.
"Go right to hell, Mr Blair," he told the prime
minister during a speech in western Venezuela, using local slang
to deliver the line. His exact words, "váyase largo al cipote",
have no direct translation into English. Mr Chávez described Mr
Blair as "the main ally of Hitler" - an accusation that he is
siding with the US president in its confrontation with Venezuela.
Mr Chávez has taken to calling George Bush "Mr Danger" and
"Danger Bush Hitler" among other epithets, and added that he
would now need similar nicknames for Mr Blair. Källa: Guardian 9 feb 2006
Harry Belafonte sjunger 'Jamaica farewell'
Under sitt besök i Venezuela hyllade den amerikanske sångaren
Harry Belafonte president Hugo Chávez och sa: "Det spelar ingen
roll vad världens störste tyrann, världens störste terrorist
George W Bush säger. Det ska ni veta; inte bara hundratals, inte
tusentals, utan miljontals amerikaner stöder er revolution."
Harry Belafonte said that!
Verdis Fångarnas kör
framfördes fint av Opera Viva i S:t Stephans kapell
samt på Regina onsdagen den 30 maj 2001
Projekt Va pensiero! Italiensk språkövning desslikes.
Det lät även fint på Stadion en vacker junikväll med World Choir,
då tenoren Pavarotti besökte oss. Sjung med!
Va, pensiero, sulláli dorate;
Va, ti posa sui clivi, sui colli,
Ove olezzano tepide e molli
Láure dolci del suolo natal!
Del Giordano le rive saluta,
Di Sione le torri atérrate..
Oh, mia patria si bella e perduta!
Oh, membranza si cara e fatal!
Arpa d´ôr dei fatidici vati
Perché muta dal salice pendi?
Le memorie nel petto raccendi,
Ci favella del tempo che fu!
O simile di Solima ai fati
Traggi un suono di crudo lamento,
O, t´ispiri il Signore un concento
Che ne infonda al patire virtú,
che ne infonda al patire virtú,
che ne infonda al patire virtú,
al patire virtú.