Amazon bedrägeri juni 2016

A file about an Amazon fraud story june 2016.

Längst ner det senaste som hänt i ärendet

1. Först kom det ett mail från Amazon, USA, som löd:

Order Confirmation
Hello Ejnar Ekström,
Thank you for shopping with us. You ordered 5 of "Hever Fashion 
Hip-hop Style..." and 5 other items. 
We’ll send a confirmation when your items ship.

Order #109-7776265-4791436
Wednesday, July 13 -
Thursday, July 28
Your Orders

Ship to:
Ejnar Ekström
Luntmakargatan 91...

Total Before Tax: $104.10
Estimated Tax:    $0.00

Order Total:   $104.10
  *SEK 917,21

We hope to see you again soon. 

2. Detta var den 27 juni, kl 9:41. Strax därpå (9:43) ytterligare ett mail från samma företag:

Subject: Revision to Your Account. Thanks for visiting! Per your request, we have changed the e-mail address associated with your account The e-mail address associated with your account has been changed. The old address was The new address is Visit Your Account at to view your orders, make changes to any order that hasn't yet entered the shipping process, update your subscriptions, and much more. Should you need to contact us for any reason, please know that we can give out order information only to the name and e-mail address associated with your account. Thanks again for shopping with us.

Jag läste mailen först på kvällen, den dagen.

3. Kunde till min förskräckelse konstatera att det fanns en avdragspost på mitt konto, kr 917,21.

Banken hade det under 'reserverade belopp' och det angavs köpdatum 2016 06 27. Beskrivningen löd: AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS\\AMAZON.C

4. Jag kontaktade min bank, Skandiabanken. Det använda kortet spärrades.

5. En polisanmälan gjordes.

6. Många försök har gjorts att komma i kontakt med Amazon.

Det har varit näst intill omöjligt. En respons var följande mail som har åsatt datum, 28 juni, 11:30:

E-mail Verification
To finish verifying your e-mail with Amazon, please enter the following security code:
Amazon takes your account security very seriously. Amazon will never e-mail you and ask you to disclose or verify your Amazon password, credit card, or banking account number. If you receive a suspicious e-mail with a link to update your account information, do not click on the link—instead, report the e-mail to Amazon for investigation.
We hope to see you again soon.

7. kl 11:33 dvs strax därpå kom det följande:

Subject: Revision to Your Account
 Thanks for visiting! Per your request, we have successfully changed your password.
Visit Your Account at to view your orders, make changes to any order that hasn't yet entered the shipping process, update your subscriptions, and much more.
Should you need to contact us for any reason, please know that we can give out order information only to the name and e-mail address associated with your account. Thanks again for shopping with us. 

8. Den 2 juli fick jag följande:

Subject: Your Order
Your Account
Message From Customer Service

I understand your concern regarding the charge on your card. I'll try my best to help you in this issue. I'm sorry if this has created any inconvenience.
I checked your transactions and couldn't find any charges. We'll need to continue this investigation over the phone.
Before you contact us, please check with authorized users of your credit card.
If you've checked with others, call customer service with the following information:

- Last 4 digits of your credit card
- Date of charge
- Amount of charge
- Contact phone number for the issuing bank (often located on the back of your card)

You can contact us by phone here:
Note: Legal and privacy concerns limit the information we can release and to whom it can be released. Depending on the outcome of our investigation, you may still need to contact your bank to resolve this.
If you still have any concerns, please write back to us so that we can assist you accordingly.

Thank you for patience and understanding. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
We'd appreciate your feedback. Please use the links below to tell us about your experience today.

Best regards,
Sravani B
Did I solve your problem?
Yes No

Your feedback is helping us build Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company.
Thank you.
Original Message
07/01/16 22:42:48
Your Name: Ejnar Ekström
Comments:Hello, I have NOT changed my email adress. I have not ordered anything from you latest months. BUT YOu have charged my card account 917,21 swedish crowns today. I ask you to correct this. Please mail me what you have done in this sorrow criminal business to have matters undone. Ejnar Ekström Stockholm,
as said i have not changed my email and I have not ordered items from you,
best regards Ejnar Ekström

Det är tydligt att Amazon mottagit och kunnat läsa det meddelande som jag fått iväg, den 1 juli. Men det kan betvivlas att de förstått att någon kriminell varit inne på kontouppgifterna hos dem och dels ändrat min epostadress, dels beställt varor åt mig och värst av allt, lyckats dra pengar från mitt bankkonto i Skandiabanken.

9. Konstaterar den 3 juli att min bank dragit pengarna slutgiltigt ifrån mig. Brottsligt = Stöld!

10. Nu ska jag vänta på polisens insats, report etc. Hoppas jag får tillbaka pengarna snart (medan jag lever)...

Efterskrift 7/7

I dag kom det ett brev från polisen. 'Det är uppenbart att brottet inte går att utreda' skriver inspektören (M A)

Jag talade telefonledes med Skandiabanken i dag, den 7/7. De ska skicka mig en blankett (där man försökt hjälpa till med att redogöra för vad som hänt)för underskrift.
Per i Linköping sa också att de återför beloppet som felaktigt dragits. Så bra då. Men jag tycker Amazon borde betala mig för allt besvär de har ställt till med.

mvh Ejnar Ekström

Efterskrift augusti 2016

Pengarna som dragits den 27/6 [definitivt 1/7] återbetalades helt den 15/7 av Skandiabanken.

Ett paket kom till mig (!) också. Det stod 'gift' som innehåll, vilket torde motsvara svenska 'varuprov' och det var avsänt i Kina (!) - när jag öppnade kartongen fann jag att det innehöll 10 st ansiktsmasker. Vad ska jag göra med dessa?



Kanske kan maskerna säljas till halloween?